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3 Simple Ways to Sell Your Home Fast

There are many great Orange County and Coachella Valley area homes for sale. Click here to perform full home search, or if you're thinking of selling your home, click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You may also call me at (949) 441-0701 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.

Today we are going to discuss three deceptively simple ways to sell your home fast in Orange County. Without further ado, here they are:

1. Get a storage unit.
When a buyer comes to see your property, less is more. If you’ve got a lot of stuff in your home or random spots of clutter, that tells the buyer that there isn’t enough space. Get a storage unit for out front, or rent one from a facility. It will cost you between $85 and $150 per month but if it brings more buyers to the table and more cash to your pocket long-term, it’s well worth it. 

2. Professional staging and photography.
We’ve all seen the listings online where there are photos of a bathroom door open or pet supplies lying around. It’s important to make a great first impression when selling, and today that first impression is made online. Listings that have more than 6 photos sell twice as fast as those that don’t. Home stagers are professionals, and they are looking at your home from a buyer’s perspective. They will use their skill to help transform your home into a place that buyers will be want to compete for. 

3. Hire the right real estate agent.
We get calls from sellers all the time who make the mistake of hiring a friend or family member to sell their home, only to come to realize later that they aren’t doing much in order to sell the home. You want to hire an agent with a strong track record and plan of action for selling your home.

Those are the things you should really consider. When you hire us, we put your needs ahead of anyone else’s. We follow through with our plans on a daily basis to sell your home the fastest and for the most amount of money possible. 

We follow through with our plans on a daily basis.

If you have any questions for us or you have tried to sell your home in the past without much success, we would love to speak with you. Give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!